
Webinars and animations

NIHR Academy

"Career development for postdoctoral mental health resarchers"

Mental Elf, Wellcome and Lancet Psychiatry Webinar

"Neighbourhood social connection for preventing depression in youth"

Neighbourhood social connection for depression and anxiety prevention - animation


19-05-23 - King's College London, Individualised Interventions to Prevent Anxiety Disorders [article, video]

27-10-22 - Wellcome Mental Health Data Prize -Unravelling patterns in social connection for the prevention of depression and anxiety in adolescents and young adults [article]

30-01-22 – Rapid Response to Mahase (2021), BMJ 2021: ‘Antidepressant discontinuation trial lacks consideration of evidence-based psychological alternatives for continuation of antidepressants’. [comment]

14-07-22 - NatCen press release [article]

14-07-22 - Independent - Women 'more likely than men' to worry about life post-pandemic [article]

14-07-22 - Daily Mail - Women worry twice as much as men during the pandemic [article]

12-10-21 - GGZ totaal - Wonen in de stad en gevolgen voor het mentale welzijn [article]

16-09-21 -  Psychologie Magazine - Zonder pillen dankzij therapie [article

05-07-21 - Psychosociaal digitaal - Psychologische interventies goed alternatief voor antidepressiva [article]

29-06-21 - NEDKAD- preventie van depressie onder de loep [article]

11-06-21 - Medisch Contact - Antidepressiva succesvol afbouwen met psychotherapie [article]

01-06-21 - VGCT - Stoppen met antidepressiva kan [article]

31-05-21 - Mad in America - Psychotherapy Can Prevent Relapse When Discontinuing Antidepressants [blog]

28-05-21 - GGZ Nieuws - Psychologische interventies goed alternatief voor antidepressiva [article]

21-05-21 - Gezondheidskrant - Antidepressiva stoppen kan! [article]

20-05-21 - Medical Facts - Kan ik stoppen met antidepressiva [article

19-05-21 - Amsterdam UMC - Can I stop taking antidepressants? [article]

15-05-20 – Folia – Met Selfie-app willen UvA'ers jongvolwassenen met een laag zelfbeeld helpen [article]

20-11-19 – EOS Wetenschap – Waarom komen mentale problemen vaker voor in de stad? [article]

08-02-16 – The Guardian – ‘The lowest of the stack’: why black women are struggling with mental health [article]

04-02-16 – VICE – Why are prison suicides in the UK still increasing? [article]

16-01-16 – The Times – More women than men attempt suicide [article]

Violence Technology and Mental Health Network Webinar

"Digital Interventions for Mental Health Prevention"